The questions I most often hear from coaches are: How do I get more clients? and How do I get ICF certification?
If you're wondering about either of those, we've got you covered and now there's a free video that explains the whole thing to you.
This video is part of our new Free Coach Training Program. Interested? Read on...
There are so many things you have to do to become a successful coach:
- Develop a coaching mindset and walk your talk.
- Practice your coaching skills everyday.
- Keep up-to-date on the latest coaching research.
- Develop a spiritual practice that integrates you.
- Take extra-good care of yourself.
- Develop credibility in the eyes of others.
- Get over your fear of being a fraud.
- Get a respected certification.
- Learn to run a business.
- Learn to attract coaching clients.
- Develop strategies for reaching your goals.
- Make a great living.
- Etc.
At School of Coaching Mastery, we've been working hard at solving these problems for our members, but here's the thing: We can give you the tools, but you have to do your own work. Wise coaches already know this and love diving in with well-crafted tools. Work is fun when you're learning, making progress, and succeeding at your goals.
Solve the problem of what to do first: Get the clients you need to be a real coach or get the certification you need to attract the clients. You can do both at the same time. We'll tell you how in this video.
Watch this informative video to find out how you can combine many of the above goals into one process that has worked for thousands of coaches: