Coach Certification
Coach Certification from a recognized life and business coach organization is the mark of professionalism in the coaching industry.
Unfortunately, coach certification standards vary widely among coaching schools, from 'rubber stamps' that individuals can get just for paying a fee (not credible), to coach certifications that represent months or even years of preparation and achievement on the part of the coach, such as those provided by School of Coaching Mastery.
For that reason, most professional coaches eventually get a coach certification from an independent, not-for-profit professional coaching association in addition to coach certification from a coach training school
There are many recognized coach certification organizations. The one that best fits our coaching philosophy and goals is the International Association of Positive Psychology Coaches (IAPPC) because its coaching skills are all based on peer-reviewed research in areas related to positive psychology.
IAPPC has three levels of certification, Competent, Proficient, and Masterful, for its Certified Positive Psychology Coach® credential. SCM trains coaches for all three levels. The program is flexible. Take the courses you need and want. They will will never force you to go back to beginning-level courses when you are a more advanced coach, as some certification organizations do. The important thing is you can pass the certification.
You can build your coaching business as you study at School of Coaching Mastery and prepare for IAPPC coach certification at the same time. We will recognize your progress along the way with Coaching Certificates and Coach Certifications that you can display with pride on your website and business card, because our coach certifications represent a level of achievement that places you head and shoulders above the majority of business and life coaches.