Okay, sorry for the strong language, but it had to be said: some nice coaches look like, well you know, on social media. Don't be that coach.
Example. A couple of years ago, I wanted to work with a new coach and was considering one who had a great reputation. I was about to call him when he posted about a big breakthrough he had with a client, only he made it sound like it was HIS success, rather then the client's. Yuk. I never called. I actually think he's probably a great guy and a great coach, but he keeps posting stuff like that and I can't bring myself to work with him. Here's the thing: his fans probably forgive him, because they KNOW he's great. The rest of us aren't so sure.
Do you know how many coaching clients you've lost because you posted something dumb on social media? Me either, but I hope it's a really small number. To save us all from ourselves, I've compiled a top ten list on how to look like a douche on social media.
Top Ten Ways to Look Like a Douche on Social Media:
- Always post about yourself and your business.
- Quote yourself on social media.
- Brag about how successful your business is.
- Brag about how good you are at what you do.
- Shoot down others when they're being brilliant.
- Brag about the great work you did with a client.
- Complain about your "bad" clients.
- Always one-up others in the brilliance department.
- Never admit your weaknesses.
- Aggressively hawk your business on social media.
I've probably committed a couple of these boo-boos myself. But I really try not to. You?
Oh and I considered writing a separate post on How to Be Irresistibly Attractive on Social Media, but anybody could write it, because all you need is to flip the foregoing over. So to save you the paperwork, here it is:
- Post or re-share more about others than yourself.
- Say smart things now and then, but save the honor of quotes for others.
- Talk about other businesses you love.
- Talk about how good others are at what they do.
- Like or Fav the brilliance of others.
- Talk about how brilliant your clients are.
- Acknowledge how fortunate you are to have great clients.
- Add your brilliance to conversations, but don't compete.
- Be a little self-deprecating now and then, preferably with humor.
- Share your business with those who are curious (and they will be).
See a pattern here? Although people love great content, everybody likes to be appreciated and nobody likes a pompous know-it-all. Social media marketing is for creating new relationships with people who aren't already your fans. Each item your post could be a future client's first experience of you. Make it stellar.
All that's needed is to put your ego aside for a moment.
If you're new or unsure about social media marketing for your coaching business, download the Essential Guide to Social Media Marketing.
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