Coaching Blog

Can You Make a Living as a Life Coach?

Posted by Julia Stewart

Make a living as a life coach The other day, a friend of mine tagged me in her comments on Facebook about a blog post on how life coaches shouldn't quit their day jobs, because you just can't make a living as a life coach.

I half-read the blog post (I know, I "should" have read the whole thing, but I didn't) and commented on how interesting it was that coaches who have trouble making it as life coaches often conclude that nobody can make it as a coach (what I didn't say was that kind of negative generalization can stop anybody from succeeding at anything). Obviously, life coaches are making it or the profession wouldn't continue to grow like an out-of-control wild fire.

It turned out the blog post was really about a marketing program the writer was trying to sell to life coaches. That's an age-old approach to making money: convince someone they have a problem, then sell them the solution. Fortunately, there are ways to attract paying clients that don't involved cutting them off at the knees, like this. Along with everything else, marketing and sales have evolved.

The real question here is can YOU make a living as a life coach?

That of course, depends on you. Everybody dreams of being their own boss, but not everybody is comfortable with it. In fact, there's an age-old joke amongst entrepreneurs, that we're all working for lunatics (Oops! There's another generalization).

To get a customized answer to that question (because only a customized answer will do for that question), you may want to work with your own coach. Find out what it took for them. Then have them help you find out if you really want it and if you have what it takes.

Here's a secret: it's more about working at it and learning from your mistakes than it is about a magic set of talents.

If you'd like to learn more secrets on how to make a living as a life coach, join the one-time-only class below. Readers of this blog get in for free with this discount code: MakeIt714

Join Secrets to Making a Living as a Life Coach

Topics: life coach, become a life coach, coaching success, Facebook, what does it take to become a coach, getting clients, coaching career

Sage Advice From a Successful New Coach

Posted by Julia Stewart

Gregg SchillingerGregory Schillinger was one of the first coaches to take a chance on School of Coaching Mastery three years ago.

So you can imagine that I was pretty darned pleased when Gregg called me up a few weeks ago and told me he's now making more money than he ever thought possible. This, while building a new coaching business in the middle of the Great Recession!

It's really no surprise, though. Gregg is an enormously talented coach and successful businessman. But then, coaches who are attracted to the word, mastery, tend to be a cut above. Hence our name, School of Coaching Mastery.

To paraphrase Gregg, it's the ones who 'get it' that you want to attract, because they get the most value.

I invite you to listen to my entire interview with Gregg, below (worth listening to the full 24 min.), because his experience can help you succeed beyond your expectations, too, but here's an outtake that is pure gold:

'If I had a plan that said I want to make this amount, I wouldn't have. And much to my wife's surprise, and now I think she's come around to think that it's good to have a plan, but best to be able to adapt for reality, because you never know who you're going to meet on the street, or in a conversation, or through a contact and that's where the plan really starts to take place. You know, it's a fluid thing.

I'm doing very well, I must say. Better than I ever have or thought I would. But in the end of the day, why not? Why shouldn't I do well and why shouldn't anybody do well? I think forcing the expectation would have done me no good.

Accept what I have now and having faith that it would all work out is how. That's my plan. That's it in a nutshell.'

Gregg's a business coach who specializes in helping new restaurant owners succeed. His website is:

Unfortunately, the audio player isn't working on this page, but you can listen to this audio here.

Are you also a coach or coach-to-be who's attracted to mastery and an 'early adopter'? You may be a perfect fit for our new Ultimate Coach Training Pilot Membership Program, which can save you a bundle. You can't read about it on our site, but you can attend a free class this week to learn about it. There are just seven spots open in this program.


take the free coaching class

Sign up for an invitation to a free call with Julia Stewart on how to become a Pilot Program Member of the Ultimate Coach Training Program.

Topics: business coach, coaching business, School of Coaching Mastery, become a business coach, coach, what does it take to become a coach, coach training program, business plan

How to Become a Coach Video

Posted by Julia Stewart

Watch the recorded version of our free 'Become a Coach' webinar and learn the keys to building a successful coaching business as quickly as possible.

How to Become a Coach Video

 Become a Coach eBook

Download the free 'Become a Coach!'   eBook

Topics: become a life coach, become a coach, become a business coach, make a living as a coach, becoming a certified coach, what does it take to become a coach, how to become a coach, how long does it take to become a coach

Did the Perfect Moment to Become a Coach Just Arrive?

Posted by Julia Stewart

Jump for joyIt's often said that investing in your business and/or your education is one of the smartest ways to invest your money, because both will pay for themselves many times over. It's especially smart to invest when prices are low.

That's good to remember in today's economy.

It's also said that people who wait for the ideal moment, before they begin a lifelong dream, never get started, because their lives are never ideal.

Well, what if the ideal moment were to arrive and you could invest in BOTH your education AND your business while prices were low? Would you be ready to dive into your lifelong dream of becoming a great coach?

I'm asking because until School of Coaching Mastery reaches its current enrollment goals, you have an opportunity to join, for less than you'll ever have to pay again, the School of Coaching Mastery, the only school, worldwide, that trains coaches from the ground up for the Gold Standard in masterful coaching, the IAC Certified Coach designation.

Not only that, but the already low introductory fees for the School of Coaching Mastery will rise substantially later this year.

Do you believe in coaching enough to invest in yourself, your business and your education? Put another way, do you believe in you enought to invest in yourself, your business and your education?

If so, go here to check out coach training programs.

Or call 1-877-224-2780 for more information, to register by phone, or to set up a payment plan.

Whether it's advanced coaching skills, improved business and marketing skills, or greater personal development you're after, embarking on excellent coach training is an exciting and fulfilling adventure.

Is it time for you to get started now?

Topics: business coach, become a life coach, School of Coaching Mastery, become a coach, make a living as a life coach, Become a Certified Coach, what does it take to become a coach, coaching schools, coaching career, personal coaching

Become a Life Coach: Is it for You?

Posted by Julia Stewart

Life Coach
Lot's of people dream of becoming life coaches. Are you one of them?


Do you wonder whether you should take the plunge?
Take this simple quiz and see if Life Coaching is for you.
__1. You've done a lot of personal development work and you've really grown.
__2. You've learned amazing things and you want to share.
__3. You have expertise that can help others.
__4. You're very spiritual (Perhaps in a non-traditional way).
__5. You're curious about people.
__6. You're naturally optimistic.
__7. You're a big-picture person.
__8. You have a sense of humor.
__9. You can let someone else be the center of attention.
__10. You don't "need" to help people.
__11. You don't "have" to fix problems.
__12. You're comfortable with the unknown.
__13. You're comfortable with silence.
__14. You're very intuitive.
__15. You're creative.
__16. You have great communication skills.
__17. You see opportunities where others see problems.
__18. You love working for yourself.
__19. Sales & Marketing don't scare you.
__20. You enjoy making your own decisions.
__21. You love talking to people.
__22. You don't mind charging for what you do.
__23. You don't blame people or make them wrong.
__24. You're action-oriented.
__25. You see the world evolving and you know it's a good thing.
__26. You feel called to coach.
__27. You want to earn a living as a coach, but you're not desperate for it.
__28. You have the time and energy to become a coach and you're ready to start.
__29. You'll do whatever it takes to succeed as long as you can keep your integrity.
__30. Becoming a coach sounds like a really fun opportunity.
SCORE: If you answered "Yes" to every question, you definitely should become a coach. If you answered most of them, and you believe you can learn the rest, then you'll probably love becoming a coach. If you answered "No" to most questions, then becoming a life coach may not be for you.
Even if you got a perfect score, you probably have lots to learn.
 To find out more...
Copyright, Julia Stewart, 2008

Topics: coaching business, become a life coach, become a coach, how to become a certified life coach, what does it take to become a coach, Life Coaching, coaching career, is life coaching for you

Coach Training Schools: Does Yours Measure Up?

Posted by Julia Stewart


Here are just a few ways we think we surpass other coaching schools. Does yours compare?

1. All of our instructors are IAC Certified Coaches (considered the Gold Standard in Coach Certification). They are all masters in their unique areas and most importantly, they are incredible teachers. Other coaching schools staff their faculties with recent grads and uncertified coaches who are new to coaching and a few schools even have volunteers teaching their classes! SCM pays our instructors more than any other school we know of, because masterful coaches are worth more.


2. We prepare our student/coaches for IAC Certification. The founder of the coaching profession, the late Thomas J. Leonard, founded the IAC in 2003 to raise the quality of coaching worldwide. Up until then, there was no independent certifying organization that was certifying coaches at a standard that Thomas believed was necessary for coaching to be highly effective. Why would you prepare for anything else?


3. We prepare our student/coaches for mastery, not just competence. As Thomas said, “Competence will keep you from getting sued. Mastery will attract people, opportunities and success to you like a magnet.” Most coaching schools prepare you for competency. Why stop there?


3. Our classes are limited to just 12 students each, because that allows every coach to practice coaching in class and get feedback from their peers and their master instructor (both written and verbal feedback from the instructor). You won’t get lost in a crowd at SCM.


4. We use the best technology to deliver the best teaching, learning and coaching. Most of our classes are virtual and combine the ease and convenience of teleconferencing with the up-to-date benefits of online learning. We can do anything in our virtual classrooms that you can do in a live classroom, except shake hands. Plus virtual learning saves you money and time and it is way kinder to the environment than traveling to meet in person.


5. Our students are amazing. You can imagine the level of passion, dedication and talent it takes to commit to coaching in front of experts day after day. If you want to join a community of peers who are smart, talented, fast learners, you’ve found it. And if that sounds like you, we need to talk.


6. All our classes are recorded on audio and some on video, as well. You can listen as often as you like and hear yourself coach - a priceless way to learn. Plus, class recordings are posted to our private, members-only area, so you can hear each class, taught by every instructor, 24/7. You’ll learn something different from each one. This is an amazing value add. (download to your iPod to make it even more convenient)


7. All our original written materials are included with your live training package in the form of written Coaching Guides (.PDF format). There are no text books to buy, as there are with some coaching schools. We also share materials in the form of audio and video recordings, power-point presentations and coaching demonstrations and practice. Regardless of your personal learning style, you’ll find options for maximizing your own learning, here.


8. Our Full Coach Training Program includes three levels of training: Foundations for the new coach, Mastery training for the intermediate coach, and Advanced training for the masterful coach, who is ready to create the next iteration of coaching mastery. We also provide personal development training and business training, so you master yourself, as well as your business.


9. We’re here to speed your learning, not just keep you busy. If you ask master coaches, most of them will tell you of the hours of unproductive time they spent in boring coaching classes that they were required to take in order to graduate or qualify for a particular certification. None of our classes are required for certification, because our certifications are based on the quality of your coaching, period. If you want to take them all, that’s great. If not, that’s fine also.


10. Our one requirement, if you want SCM Graduation, is that you complete our Mastermind Seminar after becoming certified.This is where you spread your wings as a master coach and invent, integrate, connect, deliver, share, streamline, upgrade and/or teach your unique coaching brilliance through a final coaching project that will establish you as a true master in your unique area of coaching and will launch (or re-launch) your coaching business.


“Becoming a masterful coach is like diving off a cliff over and over until you grow wings. Fortunately, there are never any broken bones!” – Julia Stewart, SCM President


Still curious about School of Coaching Mastery? That’s a good sign. Call 1-877-224-2780 or email to make an appointment with our Enrollment Advisor, Elizabeth Nofziger, IAC-CC , or with SCM President, Julia Stewart, IAC-CC

Topics: become a life coach, School of Coaching Mastery, become a coach, Coach Training Programs, SCM, Become a Certified Coach, coach training schools, Mastery Coach, what does it take to become a coach, IAC

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