Testimonials for the Coach 100/Experienced Coach Program (ECP)

New Coach Fills His Practice in 6 Months:

"If I gave you 100 One hundred dollar bills and asked you to give them away, how long do you think it would take you to give them out? Probably not long. Yet for those of us in the coach 100 program, we are giving out something far more valuable. We are GIVING AWAY a complimentary coaching session worth well over $100. that could change someone's life. We should have absolutely no sales reluctance while giving away these sessions.

How can someone refuse spending 30-45 minutes with an expert who can help them with their goals and dreams and no sales pressure to buy anything. I'm on number 75, (18 new clients) and find I'm slowing down offering those $100. bills.

Time for a kick in the butt....I may go to 200, this program works so

Dan Surface,
Personal & Professional Coach
Speaker and Author

Veteran Coach Fills Her Coaching Business in 3 Months:

"I was interested in Julia's program and so thought it would be fun to sign up 2 months ago. The response has been phenomenal - In two months I have coached 52 new people and taken on 7 new paying clients. On top of this there are 36 trial sessions already booked in my schedule for the next month and new ones come in every day."
Krissy Jackson

International Small Business Success Coach


New Coach Fills Her Coaching Practice in 9 Months:

"If you're a new coach looking for the most supportive, least expensive way to dive in, I suggest you run, don't walk to join the ECP. This is the genuine article, folks. There are zillions (well at least hundreds) of programs out that that purport to help you jump start your coaching career. But as far as I know, there is none that offers the value, tools and ongoing enthusiastic help of Julia's program. Let's face it. Julia isn't going to snag clients for you. But if you're committed, you can easily coach 100 clients in two years (I did it in nine months). Perhaps more importantly, by doing so, you'll gain the confidence to stop talking about coaching and start doing it. When you're serious about getting experience and clients and tired of the overblown, empty promises other programs make, you're ready to hop on board the ECP express!"

-- Lynn Colwell, CEC, www.bloomngrow.net

Coach Gets IAC Certification Using Coach 100:

"I am a member of Julia Stewart's first group of the Experienced Coach Program (Coach 100) and second coach to complete the program therefore becoming a Certified Experienced Coach by coaching 100 people.

I highly recommend this program to coaches who want to get Certified and/or fill their practice. The Feedback Form your ECP client fills out is based on the 15 Proficiencies; therefore being a great learning tool to know which Proficiencies you are strong in and ones you need to work on. The program is also a great way to receive testimonials, referrals and paying clients. Through this experience I gained the knowledge and confidence needed to apply for and become a Coachville Certified Coach."

Nanci Biddle, CEC, CVCC, IAC-CC; Your Coaching Partner in Life and Business

More Rave Revues:

"I wanted to tell you what terrific value I received from the pre-class notes for yesterday's session - Simply going through your suggested structure regarding time management in particular, was very revealing for me. No wonder I am feeling frustrated with not getting to finalizing my website and launching it...and numerous other things - my days are packed full already!! Ah, how helpful it truly is to have someone help us step back and take a look at the big picture of our lives!! This benefit from identifying how much time I have and want to spend on my coaching business was HUGE!!! Thank YOU!"

-- Catherine Miller, IAC-CC, Coach cultivatingwellness@sympatico.ca


"Your programs are indeed a gift to the coaching world."

-- Jean Gran, Prosperity Coach, jgran@crocker.com

"Thanks, Julie -- and just to assure you that the Universe is Perfect, right after our ECP class on complimentary sessions, I opened an email from someone who had been my fourth Coach100 client and she referred three more people who would like complimentary sessions! woo-hoo!"

-- Maura Mandrano, Career Coach, http://www.mjmcoach.com/


"The ECP (Coach 100) is proving to be one of the most helpful and important parts of my coach training. Actually committing to coach 100 people in a specified time has given me confidence that I could not get from simply taking classes. This program has made the class work relevant and much more meaningful, so much so that I think the ECP should become a required part of the Schools of Coaching. Every coach, new or experienced, would benefit greatly."

-- Bonnie Thompson, Coach, purposequest@earthlink.net

"Julia Stewart is hands down an awesome teleclass leader! The space she provides for all of us is one that is always, open, authentic, challenging, intriguing, moving and inspiring.

I have taken several of her teleclasses and have gotten so much out of them, they provide so much support and structure as well as creative techniques that open new opportunities while growing your practice. Taking Julia's classes has really allowed me to expand in ways that I never imagined in the area of my coaching career and my life.

When working with Julia, there is a true warmth and space of feeling safe that allows for you to really stretch and expand in the area of expressing your thoughts, opinions and concerns.

Taking Julia's classes are an absolute treat and must do and will truly add value to your life and your practice!"

-- Tara Moore, Coach, TaraMoore_70@msn.com


"As a somewhat "experienced coach", I will always want the camaraderie and support of working with a team / group. Life coaching is a dynamic and synergistic experience that I want to share with the world. Working with Julia in the Experienced Coach Program has been a gift - what a wonderful motivation to work with more and more new people, and have the benefit of the evaluations as an added benefit! I've gotten two new clients in just over a month with her program. Thanks, Julia."

--Betsy Baier, MSW/Certified Life Coach, www.kindredcoach.com


"The lessons on business perspective guided me in our complex industry. Whether creating a web presence, shaping my IP, or leveraging 'collegial angels' I know that Julia has walked her talk.

Stewart's seasoned guidance provides focus in a complex new industry. Her lessons enrich coaching practice AND guide business growth. Kudos, Julia, for creating an adaptable professional development vehicle which each coach may steer in his/her 'right direction'. Thomas must be smilin'!" -- Connie Frey, PhD., IAC-CC, CEC, http://www.creativitycoaching.ca http://www.dissertationcoaching.com, http://www.famecards.ca