Should You Become a Positive Psychology Coach? Take This Free Quiz

Many coaches say positive psychology is the future of coaching, personal development, success, and high performance.
That's because positive psychology and coaching are virtually made for each other. Positive psychology explores, via research, what helps people enjoy greater happiness, well-being, and success. Coaches assist their clients to reach those same goals. When coaches use research-informed interventions to assist our clients, in addition to our own empathy and intuition, we know we're using the very best tools to help clients reach their most heart-felt goals.
So what does it take to become a successful positive psychology coach? Take this quick positive psychology coaching quiz to find out. If you want to see how other people responded, or if your device doesn't show the quiz below, take this quiz here. Otherwise, take the quiz directly below.
If positive psychology coaching really is a great fit for you, why not fill out the Certified Positive Psychology Coach application, too? Just click the big blue button at the bottom of this post to get started. We’ll keep you posted about upcoming courses and other opportunities, such as joining the new International Association of Positive Psychology Coaches, where you can learn more about this fascinating new field, and where trained positive psychology coaches can get certified.
How did you do? If most of your answers were, "I'm working on it" or "I've mastered this", you'll probably make a great positive psychology coach. If not, you know what to work on next to be your best and prepare to become a great coach.
Maybe your next step is to apply to the Certified Positive Psychology Coach® program, below...