Certified Neuroscience Coach Program
The NEW Certified Neuroscience Coach Program is in the process of launching and you can be among the first to qualify for this important new coach certification. Neuroplasticity has changed everything in the world of brain science and the tools of positive neuroscience are breaking new ground in the world of coaching, personal development, and human achievement.
This is the only program that fully integrates positive psychology and neuroscience with advanced coaching skills to prepare you to be a professional neuroscience coach. It's a flexible program that is a subset of the Certified Positive Psychology Coach Program. Choose the courses you want to meet your goals.
"You have created a VERY powerful collection of training programs. By combining the presentation of new ideas with an open exchange of ideas and the all-important live coaching segment(s), I am learning each week and seeing a positive impact on my clients. Thanks to you and your team."
- Nancy McCabe, CPPC USA
View CNC Frequently Asked Questions Here.
View the Current Course Schedule to the Right or on a Larger Page Here.
Download the CNC Courses, Requirements, and Prerequisites Here.
- C1: Introduction to Positive Psychology Coaching - 20 hr, perfect course for new coaches
- C2: Positive Psychology Tools for Coaches - 24 hr, perfect for coaches who are new to PP
- C3: Neuroscience Tools for Coaches - 24 hr, perfect for coaches who are new to NS
- C4: Advanced PP and NS Coach Training - 32 hr, perfect for intermediate PP or NS coaches
- C5: Certified Neuroscience Coach Final Project and Practicum - 16 hr, Graduation and Certification
- C6: Advanced Topics in PP and NS Coaching - 24 hr, perfect for advanced PP and NS coaches
- C7: Certified PP Group Coach - 16 hr, perfect for certified PP or NS coaches who want to coach groups
- C8: Certified PP Integral Coach - 16 hr, perfect for certified PP or NS coaches who are ready for complexity

What is neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, is a phenomenon that was unknown to neuroscientists up until a couple of decades ago. It means the brain grows and changes throughout life, because, as neuropsychologist, Donald Hebb taught, neurons that fire together, wire together. Previously, it was thought that very little growth and change was available to adults. But now we know the brain changes itself from moment to moment and that what we choose to focus on can be used to change the brain for good. Our clients can become more resilient, happier, and more successful when they benefit from coach-assisted neuroplasticity.
What is neuroscience coaching?
Neuroscience coaches use tools, exercises, and interventions that have been identified by research into neuroscience, positive psychology and related fields, such as emotional intelligence, to help their clients achieve greater happiness, well-being, and success. They take research into neuroscience and translate it into effective tools for improving people’s lives, careers, and businesses. Read about neuroplasticity coaching on the Coaching Blog.
School of Coaching Mastery integrates neuroscience discoveries, tools, and interventions throughout its coach training curriculum. The Certified Neuroscience Coach Program is for coaches who want advanced training and experience in the art and science of neuroscience coaching.
Why should you become a Certified Neuroscience Coach?
- Master the most effective tools available for coaching.
- Brand yourself as a coach who uses proven tools, not empty promises.
- Get a credential that identifies you as a genuine professional.
- Be one of the first in your profession to be certified in neuroplasticity coaching.
- Enter a field where even the scientists are excited about human potential and possibility.
- Get the information you need to explain how and why your tools work.
- Get the confidence of knowing your work has scientific empiricism behind it.
- Stay up-to-date on the latest research on brain-based coaching.
- Join a community of inspired coaches who support and challenge one another.
- Expand your business: neuroscience tools are transforming the fields of business, education, the military, government, psychotherapy, and more.
- In short, become a more effective coach and create a thriving career.
- Plus it's amazingly fun!
How is this program different from other neuroscience training programs?
- This is a specializations under the umbrella of positive psychology, so you actually get both.
- This isn't just a coach-training program, nor is it just a neuroscience program; it's comprehensive coach training, based on neuroscience research, tools, and principles that includes advanced approaches to coaching.
- Some neuroscience training programs will introduce you to coaching; this program offers beginner-to-master-level coach training based on neuroscience.
- Certification is the gold-standard in coaching credentials. Successful completion of this program will earn you the Certified Neuroscience Coach credential from the International Association of Positive Psychology Coaches.
- The cost of your certification is included with your tuition and you'll get a free neuroscience coach listing in our coach directory.
The Certified Neuroscience Coach Program will introduce you to assessments, exercises, concepts, research, and more from authors and researchers, such as those below:
- Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Dr. Richard Davidson
- Dr. Norman Doidge
- Dr. Lisa Feldman Barr
- Dr. Barbara Fredrickson
- Dr. John Gottman
- Dr. Rick Hanson
- Dr. Donald Hebb
- Dr. Dacher Keltner
- Dr. Andrew Newberg
- Dr. Linda Page
- Dr. Stephen Porges
- Dr. David Rock
- Dr. Martin Seligman
- Dr. Dan Siegel
In addition to live and recorded webinars that you can join from anywhere, you’ll receive a wealth of curated resources, including videos, audios, websites, apps, and more, plus opportunities to practice your tools with like-minded Neuroscience coaches. And you'll get ideas for how to grow your business with neuroscience.