How to Keep Your Life Coach Certification
Yesterday my IAC Chapter hosted a call on how to keep IAC Life Coach Certification.
Some coaches are dismayed to find that their life coach certification isn't a 'set it and forget it' deal. But if you read last week's How to Get Life Coach Certification, you know that the two respected certifying organizations are the ICF and the IAC. Both have requirements that you must fulfill in order to keep your credential.
This is typical in any profession and like it or not, life coaching is on the path to professionalism. Major research initiatives are under way to establish a body of knowledge behind the considerable anecdotal evidence that coaching really works.
Professionalism happens in every service offering that succeeds, from medicine, to psychotherapy, to personal training and it's inevitable in coaching.
You can resist, or you can be more curious. The latter is more fun.
Here are the basic requirements by the ICF and IAC in order to keep keep your life coach credentials.
1. Both organizations require you to maintain your memberships. For the ICF, annual membership is $195USD. For the IAC it is $129USD. A professional life coach can easily earn their annual membership fee with one hour of coaching.
2. The ICF requires 40 Continuing Coach Education Units (CCEUs) every three years. A CCEU is defined as 1 hour of direct coach-specific training. Go here to see how you can earn CCEUs.
3. The IAC requires a Learning Agreement (LA) every five years. The LA is flexible. You simply plan your own learning path around the 9 IAC Coaching Masteries(tm). Examples of acceptable LAs:
Working with a Study Group
Working in a Triad
Work with a mentor coach
Taking a coaching course, such as SCM's Mastery Express Module or Coach Certification Bootcamp.
Join a coach training program like Certified Coach Training
You could even create a program for your clients using the 9 Masteries
In short, you can expect to pay fees and do some extra work in order to be perceived as a professional, but you can also attract more clients and higher fees as a credentialed coach.
With some creativity, you can leverage either IAC or ICF requirements to boost your effectiveness and profitability as a coach, while maintaining your life coach certification.
Get free tools that will help you get life coach certification from the IAC: