
Coaching 100 Full Practice GAME Blog

Why Nobody Understands the #1 Secret to Making a Living as a Life Coach

Red carpet to making a living as a life coach

I wasted a couple of decades on the wrong career. What happened? I went way into debt to get two degrees, moved to another part of the country, and endured years of financial hardship, all for my "passion". Don't tell me to follow my dreams and the money will find me. I know for a fact that doesn't always happen.

Have you had that experience, too?

So then why is the #1 Secret to making a living as a life coach that you've got to really really want it?

First of all, that's only the 2nd half of the secret. The first is to know yourself extremely well and hardly anyone does. You may think you do, but your probably don't.

In other words, you can think you've found your passion and you haven't. You can work hard, spend money, endure hardships, and persevere for years, like I did, and you still won't succeed, at least not at the level you'd like.

By the time I discovered coaching, everything had changed. Although I thought I had given up my passion, I discovered in coaching a greater passion than I had ever imagined. I had become far more self-aware and I KNEW I could do it and succeed and the "universe" rolled out the red carpet for me.

Would you like a red carpet experience while building your coaching business?

Well today is the live webinar, #1 Secret to Making a Living as a Life Coach. In it, I'll help you get the self-awareness you need around this one crucial issue. I'll also help you build your passion and I'll give you concrete steps on how to proceed.

But you have to be there. It's $20. Is coaching worth that to you? If not, maybe you've already answered the question about coaching passion.

If you do want it and you also want the red carpet:


Join #1 Secret to Making a Living as a Life Coach

Topics: become a life coach, Coach 100, coaching clients, webinar, make a living as a coach

More on Secret #1 to Making a Living as a Life or Business Coach

#1 Secret to making a living as a life coach

I introduced the Top Ten Secrets to Making a Living as a Life Coach last week, along with the new Coach 100 Full Practice GAME. Click here to Join the GAME and get your Tracker (Or get the Elite version by joining Coach 100 Premium).

Our next webinar goes deep with Secret #1: You know yourself very well and you really, Really, REALLY want a full coaching practice. This secret has two parts: self awareness and intense desire. 

Here's the hard part: if you don't have the first, it's easy to kid yourself about the second. Without both, making a living as a life coach is a lot harder than it has to be. Many people who embark on the coaching journey think they are passionate about coaching, but they aren't as passionate as they think. And it takes more self awareness than they imagine to really know the difference.

Symptoms that you're not that passionate about a full coaching practice:

  • You hate to market or sell
  • You let discomfort stop you
  • You're afraid to invest money in coaching
  • You spend lots of money but don't make full use of what you buy
  • You put security ahead of having what you want
  • You'd rather coach for free
  • You love coaching classes but aren't working on your business
  • You're more interested in money than in coaching clients
  • You let others tell you what you should be doing
  • Etc.
Symptoms that you have plenty of passion to fill your coaching practice:
  • You don't mind getting out of your comfort zone if it's for coaching
  • You're willing to take risks
  • You offer coaching to lots of people every week
  • You have pro-bono clients and a plan to attract paying clients
  • You're becoming the best coach you can be
  • You're exploring marketing and sales for coaches
  • You've put together your business materials
  • You have coaching appointment hours marked off on your calendar in anticipation of real coaching clients
  • You're working hard and having fun
  • Etc.
How to you get from the first set of bullet points to the second?
  • Meditate daily on the question, "Is coaching my calling?" and notice what comes up
  • Eliminate confusion: get the training you need, get the mentoring you need, learn about business, talk to successful coaches
  • Get your Needs met, your Values expressed, and use your Strengths daily
  • Get a coach who transforms your world
  • Become a coach who transforms others
  • Etc.
In the Secret #1 to Making a Living as a Life or Business Coach class, we'll talk more specifically about strategies for increasing awareness and tapping into your true passion. I'll even coach someone (maybe you!) on this topic. Elite members get to interact via audio. Everyone gets to interact via chat. Non-elite members get in for just $20.
The class video will be posted in SCM's resource center for all members of our coach training.
We meet Tuesday, September 2nd, 3-4 PM EDT (View in your Time Zone).


Join Secret #1 to Making a Living as a Coach

Topics: coaching business, coach training, become a life coach, become a coach, coaching class, Coach 100, become a business coach, coaching clients

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