The Secret Super Power You Get From Evidence-Based Coaching
Why is evidence-based coaching, such as positive psychology and neuroscience coaching, growing so fast?
Why, for instance, are positive psychology and neuroscience coaches finding it easy to build their businesses?
Several reasons come to mind...
- They use tools that really work.
- They are experts in helping people change.
- They sound credible even to people who think coaching is too "woo woo".
- They are life-long learners who constantly upgrade their skills and knowledge.
- They usually have the training and credentials they need that most clients clearly prefer.
- They appeal to potential markets that have previously been closed to coaching.
- They are more likely to use evidence-based tools in their sales and marketing.
- And people are fascinated by positive psychology and neuroscience.
- But there is one more huge reason: They are confident.
Here's a story to illustrate what I mean.
Long before I became a coach, I went back to school to become a physical therapist and started a part-time side business of personal training to pay my bills while going to school. I already had two degrees in dance and was previously a college dance teacher, but had a back injury and needed a career change. Back then, if you taught dance, the college also required you to teach aerobics, which meant I had to learn the research on exercise. The data blew me away. I knew how powerful exercise was and that gave me confidence and even certainty that I could help people with it. I knew almost nothing about sales and marketing but had a 95% success rate selling personal training. I was soon making double what physical therapists made, quit school, and added coaching to my services for even more success. And then, positive psychology and neuroscience transformed my coaching all over again. Now I'm celebrating twelve years of success with School of Coaching Mastery. And it all started with the confidence I got from knowing what really works and having a background that sounded credible to my clients.
Let confidence be your super power.
If you want more success and you're lacking any of the benefits of evidence-based coaching, get the training you need to be credible to your potential clients. Start with just one module, or take an entire program. Download more information below.
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