Life Coaches Come Together in Peace

Guest Post by Coach Angela Goodeve, CCC. Angela is a member of School of Coaching Mastery's Ultimate Coach Training Program, a winner of Best Coaching Blogs 2012 and a board member of Women For Change.
September 11, 2001 was a day of great sorrow. We will never forget the shock of learning of the great tragedy that day. I will also never forget the moments of silence when people from all over the world came together to pray for those effected by this horrible tragedy. I sat in the lunchroom at our office with tears in my eyes for all of the beautiful souls who lost their lives that day, as many others did.
The one thing that resonates today is that just as we all came together in sorrow that day, we can also come together in peace.
There are and have been many ambassadors for peace in the world: Mother Teresa; Oprah Winfrey; and Tony Robbins, to name a few. Even though we as individuals may not have the notoriety of these other powerful people, each of us as individuals can be our own Ambassadors of peace.
Life Coaches also help bring peace to the world, one person at a time, so let’s take the lessons of 9/11 to recognize and get to know some of the less well known, but equally important ambassadors of change.
Just as the School of Coaching Mastery provides accessible, quality training for Life Coaches, Women For Change Coaching Community brings together a community of support to make coaching accessible for all women who are seeking positive change in their lives. They offer one-on-one coaching, for a nominal fee, as well as monthly workshops for clients geared toward skill building, such as money management, job search, self-esteem or other topics in which clients express interest. They are also dedicated to providing coaches in their community with the support that they need to help people live happier more peaceful lives.
And let’s not forget all of the wonderful Life Coaches who have a passion for helping others live a life in which their needs are met; their values are expressed in everything they do; and can easily step into their personal greatness!
Let’s make every day a day in which we come together in Peace, just as we have come together in sorrow.
What will you do today to contribute to humanity and come together in peace?
To learn more about Women For Change and other opportunities for life coaches to support positive change, join the IAC North American Virtual Chapter:
Image by xlordashx