You're Coaching, But Are You Actually Open for Business?
Most of the coaches I talk to fit the following description:
Coaching, But Not Actually Open for Business
They think they're in business, but they're not. Confusion is holding them back. Confusion turns away coaching clients, just like the business in this picture turns away customers.
The reason I know this is that unlike most coaching schools, I (or someone else at SCM) actually talk to the coaches who visit our site. We listen to what they are up to and help them find the resources they need. It's a labor-intensive process that average coach training schools skip. But we're not average.
Our Enrollment Advisor, Donna Miller, commented on this to me the other day. Most coaches are either coaching, but have no business, or they've started a business, but they're not sure how to coach. Those are bad combinations. They send the same mixed message as the business pictured above. The open sign is on, but the security gate is closed.
If your coaching business is struggling, ask yourself if you're actually open for business.
Here's My Stand:
There is (or should be) an enormous difference between amateurs who coach and professional coaches. If you want a successful coaching business, you need to be coaching a whole lot better than your client's best friend, next door neighbor and office mate, because those folks are all "coaching" too (and a most of them are coaching for free).
A good coaching school will give you clarity and clarity creates success. It's not magic, but it feels like magic. Mixed signals will keep you stuck. If you are stuck, get the clarity you need.
One place you can get clarity is in our "How to Become..." free mini-course series. The next one is on How to Become a Certified Coach.