If Your Coaching Business is a Little Slow, Follow Seth Godin's Advice
I'm a subscriber to Seth Godin's Blog, because he's a great writer and really "gets" the whole "marketing with integrity" thing that is the only way to become a successful coach. I wish I had written the following post that he wrote for real estate agents. Only I would have written it for coaches during the last recession, when a lot of them needed to hear it.
Since you're part of "group B", you might want to follow the advice he gives for real estate agents who are in it for the long haul. Just remember that you'll need to do a little creative customization to make it work for you.
But then, you're a coach, which means you're creative and you know how to serve people, right?
No brainer for you then!
Read Seth's post here and then subscribe.
Since you're part of "group B", you might want to follow the advice he gives for real estate agents who are in it for the long haul. Just remember that you'll need to do a little creative customization to make it work for you.
But then, you're a coach, which means you're creative and you know how to serve people, right?
No brainer for you then!
Read Seth's post here and then subscribe.