Master Certified Positive Psychology Coach Program

Now School of Coaching Mastery offers an additional 60 live hours of advanced positive psychology coach training. Leaders in the field of positive psychology coaching will want this extra level of training and credentialing.

How does it work?

NEW COACHES: If you're new to coaching, you'll want to start with the Certified Positive Psychology Coach program. You can add the Master Certified Positive Psychology Coach program later, or if you know you want the master program, you can register for both at the same time and enjoy significant savings.

CURRENT MEMBERS OF CPPC: You can add the MCPPC program at anytime. You do not need to earn your CPPC before you join MCPPC, but we recommend you complete at least 50% of the CPPC program, before starting your MCPPC courses.

ADVANCED COACHES: If you have not taken the CPPC program, but want to take the MCPPC program, you will need permission. Generally, taking the advanced program will require completion of a 125-hour ICF-approved coach training program, plus a significant background in positive psychology and neuroscience.

You can still be among the first to qualify for this important new coach certification. Positive psychology is sweeping the world of coaching, personal development, and human resources departments.

This is the most advanced program that fully integrates positive psychology and neuroscience with advanced coaching skills to prepare you to be a professional positive pscyhology coach. Be sure to fill out the brief form to the lower right to receive more information about this new coach training program.


Get the Certified Positive Psychology Coach Fact Sheet 

Visit our FAQ Page here.

Certified Positive Psychology Coach Program Courses:
  • C1: Introduction to Positive Psychology Coaches - 20 hr, perfect course for new coaches
  • C2: Positive Psychology Tools for Coaches - 24 hr, perfect for coaches who are new to PP
  • C3: Neuroscience Tools for Coaches - 24 hr, perfect for coaches who are new to NS
  • C4: Advanced Coach Training - 32 hr, perfect for intermediate PP or NS coaches
  • C5: Advanced Topics in PP and NS Coaching - 24 hr, perfect for advanced PP and NS coaches
  • C6: Certified Positive Psychology Coach Final Project and Practicum - 16 hr, Graduation and Certification
  • C7: Certified Group Coach - 16 hr, perfect for certified coaches who want to coach groups
  • C8: Certified Integral Coach - 16 hr, perfect for certified coaches who are ready for complexity

Learn more about the Certified Positive Psychology Coach Program with these FAQ.


What is positive psychology? Positive Psychology is the study of what helps human beings flourish and, as such, it goes hand-in-hand with effective coaching. Positive psychology began to develop in the late 20th Century and was officially recognized, as an area of study, in the late 1990s, when the Father of Positive Psychology, Martin Seligman, then President of the American Psychological Association, made positive psychology the focus of his presidency.  Since then, a flood of research has been done on what thoughts, tools, attitudes, behaviors, and interventions promote well-being and help people flourish.

What is positive psychology coaching? Positive psychology coaches use tools and interventions that have been identified by research into positive psychology and related fields, such as neuroscience, to help their clients achieve greater happiness, well-being, and success. They take research into positive psychology and translate it into effective tools for improving people’s lives, careers, and businesses. Read about positive psychology coaching on the Coaching Blog.

Get the FREE Become a Positive Psychology Coach eBook here and learn all about this amazing new profession and how you can become a professional positive psychology coach who helps people be happier and more successful in their lives and careers.

School of Coaching Mastery integrates positive psychology discoveries and interventions throughout its coach training curriculum. The Certified Positive Psychology Coach Program is for coaches who want advanced training and experience in the art and science of positive psychology coaching.


Why should you become a Certified Positive Psychology Coach?

  • Master the most effective tools available for coaching.
  • Brand yourself as a coach who uses proven tools, not empty promises.
  • Get a credential that identifies you as a genuine professional.
  • Be one of the first in your profession to be certified in positive psychology coaching.
  • Enter a field where even the scientists are optimistic about human potential and possibility.
  • Get the information you need to explain how and why your tools work.
  • Get the confidence of knowing your work has scientific empiricism behind it.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest research on positive psychology and coaching.
  • Join a cohort of inspired coaches who support and challenge one another.
  • Expand your business: positive psychology is transforming many fields, including business, education, the military, government, psychotherapy, and more.
  • In short, become a better coach; create a better business.
  • Oh, and it's fun!

Why should you join advanced Certified Positive Psychology Coach courses?

  • Become a recognized leader in the growing field of positive psychology coaching.
  • Get the most advanced positive psychology coach training possible.
  • Grow yourself into a masterful evidence-based coach.
  • Start innovating in this exciting field.
  • Collaborate with high achievers like yourself.
  • Become a truly great coach.
  • Apply your strengths to your passions.
How is this program different from other positive psychology training programs?
  • This isn't just a coach-training program, nor is it just a positive psychology program; it's comprehensive coach training, based on positive psychology research and principles, that includes advanced approaches to coaching.
  • Some positive psychology training programs will introduce you to coaching; this program offers master coach training integrated with positive psychology.
  • Certification is the gold-standard in coaching credentials. This is the only legally recognized Certified Positive Psychology Coach training program.
  • The cost of your certification will be included with your tuition and once you're certified, you'll get a one-year free positive psychology coach listing in our coach directory.
  • Earn additional certifications and certificates along the way.
  • Because this program is new, we're offering it at an early adopter discount, making it thousands less than many positive psychology programs!

The Certified Positive Psychology Coach Program will introduce you to assessments, exercises, concepts, research, and more from authors and researchers, such as those below:

  • Dr. Martin Seligman
  • Dr. Barbara Fredrickson
  • Dr. Donald Clifton
  • Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar
  • Dr. Rick Hanson
  • Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • Dr. John Gottman
  • Dr. Dan Siegel
  • Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky
  • Dr. Dacher Keltner
  • Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas
  • Dr. Richard Boyatzis
  • Dr. Susan David

In addition to live interactive webinars that you can join from anywhere, you’ll receive a wealth of curated resources, including videos, audios, websites, apps, and more, plus opportunities to practice your tools with like-minded positive psychology coaches. And you'll get ideas for how to grow your business with positive psychology.

We invite you to sign-up for more information, so you can decide if becoming a Certified Positive Psychology Coach is for you.


The full program takes six months to one year to complete. 


Or email info [@] schoolofcoachingmastery [.] com to make an appointment to join the program.


Students with advanced standing can receive a customized program with appropriate fee reduction.


Your instructor will be Julia Stewart, MMC, BCC, CiPP, President, School of Coaching Mastery. Julia has been teaching professional coaching since 2003 and has taught courses in positive psychology coaching since 2012. She is working on her PhD the science and philosophy of coaching, where she has studied positive psychology and neuroscience with Barbara Fredrickson, Tal Ben Shahar, Rick Hanson, Dacher Keltner, Dan Siegel, and others.
If you're interested in this innovative new program, be sure to fill out the brief form to the right. We'll keep you updated! Or apply now.