Best Coaching Blogs 2010 Winners

The Best Coaching Blogs 2010 Contest Winners Include the Awesome Business and Life Coaches Below:
It's been a pleasure running this contest with such a wonderful line up of business and life coaching bloggers. Coaches conducted themselves with grace and enthusiasm as they competed for popular votes and comments. And of course, great coaching content is what most makes them successful. Final voting by the semi-finalists was via a closed ballot survey and a run-off ballot to break a couple of ties.
Here are this year's winners of the Best Coaching Blogs Contest:
First Place goes to the Prosperous Coach Blog by Business Coach, Rhonda Hess. Congratulations Rhonda! Here are Rhonda's comments:
It's an honor and a hoot to win! And, I'd already won - more subscribers, juicy comments, camaraderie, and an intro to some great coaching blogs. What I love about this contest is that it's a pass-it-forward social cred building experience for everyone involved. Our savvy host, Julia Stewart, raised the profiles and subscriber lists of every participant, while attracting thousands of people to her own site. Brilliant! Thanks so much, ya'll! Let's keep the conversations going. - Rhonda
Second Place goes to the Mountain Moving Mindset Blog by Business Coach, Frederique Murphy. Congrats Frederique! Here's what Frederique had to say:
My winning mindset is probably slightly different from others: I never enter anything focusing on the end game; the key, is all about
enjoying the journey. And this is exactly what I did with this contest. For me, being in the top 10, already meant SO much, it was like
the icing on the cake! That means that my blog is impacting enough people, for them to take the time to visit, read, vote and comment.
For the last 4 weeks, reading those comments every day, seeing the ones that had been added overnight made not only my day,
but my year and more!!! Seeing that I truly live my mission is a wonderful gift. My blog is one of the vehicles I use to fulfil my mission,
which is to empower business owners, entrepreneurs and solo-preneurs to master their mindset, so that they can move mountains and
bring their businesses to the next level! And, those comments were a superb way of supporting this and seeing the motivation, inspiration
and empowerment, my readers are getting! And, I felt like a winner already. And, now, hearing that I won 2nd place, is such an extra plus,
like the cherry on top of the cake! This means that the other amazing top coaches also supported me and my blog, I am almost speechless,
but that would not be too convenient for a coach ;-) Thanks to this contest, my blog has gained extra visibility and extra exposure for the good
vibes that I am sharing, and giving me the chance to impact even more people. One blog post at a time, one mindset shift at a time ;-))
Thanks again Julia!
Third Place is a tie and goes to It's My Life Blog and Solopreneurs Blog. Congratulations to you both!
The remaining six blogs that make up our Top Ten for 2010 are: Lisa Unmasked, Coaching Biz Tips, Business and Sales Coach for Introverts, Laurie Foley, Inner Resource Center and Personal Business Coaching. Great job everyone!
Although School of Coaching Mastery doesn't pick the winning blogs, we do sometimes award Honorable Mentions. This year, the title of 'Most Popular' goes to Grey Matters Blog for attracting the highest number of popular votes and comments and bringing lots of traffic to the whole contest. Awesome job.
If you're a coach or a blogger, you need to subscribe to these amazing blogs. You can find them all in one convenient spot, complete with descriptions and comments by readers. Read, learn and enjoy!
Want to enter next year's Best Coaching Blogs Contest? Subscribe to this blog by email or RSS.