School of Coaching Mastery: 1st Update
The very first SCM eClass took place on Thursday, June 7th and I'm very pleased! Fantastic coaches have joined up for the first beta Module and we heard some great coaching during their practice sessions. It's clear that many of these coaches are ready to move into mastery ~ Whoopee!
Speaking of which: One of our SCM members just found out that she passed IAC Certification, the day before class started! I can't claim SCM prepared her, obviously ~ I'm just proud to be attracting coaches who have such high standards for the quality of their own work.
From talented beginners who are ready to be "thrown in the deep end" as one coach put it, to excellent veterans ~ a dynamic mix, ready to do their best work together!
Now the website is under way, with plans for 3-4 more beta Modules/courses this summer and a full program launch in the Fall. Check back to see what programs have been added. There will be some discounts for the beta programs.
In the meantime, I invite you to join the SCM Ad Hoc Advisors (it's free) and weigh in on what you most want to see in the way of coach training. Live/virtual/recorded? Teleclass or webinar? Practice or theory?
Get in on the ground floor and help design your own coach training and/or help shape the future of coaching ~ and the impact of coaching on the world! Active members of the Ad Hoc Advisors get discounts and free admission to programs and products ~ just to say "Thanks!"
Join Ad Hoc Advisors here
Copyright, Julia Stewart, 2007
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