How to Become a Certified Coach Free Course

If you're a professional business or life coach who is considering coach certification, you're not alone.
One of the biggest trends in coaching, in 2009, is that veteran coaches are finding for the first time that they need coach certification. For years, prospective clients and employers didn't even ask about it, but that has changed. However, if you've been coaching professionally for a while, you don't want to go back to the very beginning and start your coach training at an accredited coaching school.
And you really don't want one of those embarrassing fly-by-night certifications.
So what are your options? That's what our free 4-hour mini-course on how to become a certified coach is all about. It's led by SCM President, Julia Stewart, IAC-CC. It'll cover some of the pros and cons of various certifications, plus it'll hook you up with some valuable resources that can help you get there faster.
The 'How to Become a Certified Coach' course is taught live via webinar (or you can just access it by phone) on two separate days. Each class is a total of 2-hours long, broken down into 90 minutes of instruction, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A.
You'll come away with clarity, tools and a path to success. It may not take you as long as you might think to qualify for a respected coach certification.
The free course has been completed. Check our course catalog for upcoming courses, including some that are free.
Are you ready to get started and quickly become a certified coach?